We help you get your shit organized, so that you can spend your time designing cool shit instead.


You deserve rest and joy, not a library full of tears.

  • Library Maintenance

    Are your samples in chaotic piles? We re-file, return, refresh, and re-organize so that you can find the materials you need without the rage. We will come weekly, monthly, or whenever you’re having a surprise visit from the Queen.

  • Library Management

    We can be your materials conduit! We maintain order, connect designers with resources, and bring in all the right people (and keep the wrong ones out) to keep you up to date on the best new materials. We know all the cool kids (reps), and will take care of the scheduling + logistics for you.

  • Library Makeover (or Move)

    Has your library become a dumping ground, and you need someone to wave a magic wand? How many ghosts-of-projects-past are living in there anyway? Us unicorns will take care of everything from space planning to moving to wayfinding, and leave you with the keys to an organized and exorcised space. Huzzah.

Returning to the office?

(and it’s a mess)

Let’s get your materials library into shape so that you can, ya know… USE IT!

We can help you with that.

Why us?


We are former interior designers, turned manufacturer’s reps, turned professional organizers…

And that makes us a special breed of unicorn who know your library like the back of our magical eyelids.

Need a part-time or short-term Resource Librarian?

Hi! We organize, manage, maintain, and overhaul architectural and interior design libraries.

To keep you relevant (and sane)!


The US construction & design industry generates more than 548 MILLION TONS OF WASTE annually.

How much of that is just from your library?

In a free-for-all library

designers are stretched thin, waste time looking for samples, and order way too many duplicates; most of which eventually end up in the landfill - because who has the time to figure out what to do with them later?

We do!

Our main goal is to make your job easier. But secretly we just want to SAVE THE PLANET.

That’s why we take the time to responsibly return and thoughtfully donate your unwanted samples.

In a Tidy Rebel managed library

designers have more bandwidth to make better design decisions, can happily find what they need, and we get those samples back to manufacturers or donated to crafters & artists at the end of the day. Everyone goes home happy and gets into heaven!

Need something a little different for your resource library?

We probably do that too. Just ask!

Are you an artist or crafter looking for materials to upcycle? Let’s connect!